The security of our candidates, staff and exam material is our number one priority.
We expect all exams (CIPS, Cambridge Schools and University of London) to go ahead as scheduled throughout the week of 19-23 May and we will do everything we can to give candidates the opportunity to take their exams at the proper time.
Unless there is a clear threat to the safety and security of candidates and staff or of disturbances to the exams session (for example a major localised breakdown of public order or a Governmental decree such as a curfew) candidates will be expected to attend exams as normal. We have already made some slight adjustments to our normal procedures to minimise the potential effect of minor disruption
However, not all circumstances are under our control and some disturbances or disruption may occur. In consultation with the exam boards and our global security advisers, we have developed a set of contingency plans to deal with these appropriately. These include among other things: communication trees to maintain internal and external contact; guidelines on flexible start times if candidates are delayed through problems with public transport; agreements on when and how to reschedule or cancel exams if required and what rights candidates have in these situations and alternative secure storage facilities.
If there are any updates nearer the time we will communicate these on our website by email or SMS.